
This project had to be make about a character that has influenced in your daily life. I draw Apu from The Simpsons tv show because I think he is an example for many people, he works all day to have a good education and nutrition for his eight sons and wife.
This drawing had to be done only using letters and I think it is really meaningful to write things that represent someone around him.

Jiggy Drama:

This was a pop art portrait that had to show the style of the art from the twenty century. This kind of art represents daily or common things. This men that I draw is Jiggy Drama, a famous singer that interprets reggaeton songs. He comes from puerto rico and its famous because of his two lastests hits: "La Fuga", and "La Flaca". I think this kind of art wants to show how really things are in daily life. 

Deadly Clown:

This clown is an sketch that I draw thinking about my childhood fears. One of my greatest fear was the clowns because when I was little I hate to be dress up like a clown and when I saw  one I run away because it looked very harmful. I draw this clown looking bad and with the skull in his chain to represent the evilness and malicious way of acting I thought they had.